Workshop: MAC 'IN MODE'
Date: 25th JUNE 2008
Time: 11 am
Location: Persada Convention Centre
Ops.. eventually changed to Pan Pacific Hotel. I'm the early bird, first section of this workshop even at 11am. I would say it is good to be the 1st section, because the brushes and tools and even the make-up products we use is totally brand new. Ya, i think is more hygiene.
The beauty instructor who gave the talk, can't deny that she gave very good introduction on the products and and keep emphasize how good is this and that. She a Malay and from JB too, but work with MAC in KL. Haha sorry, can't remember her name.
In this work shop, they provided notes, paper, pencil and MAC handbook. Also, they give away door gift at the end of the event... The door gift is small samples are :
1) Fast response eye cream , 3ml
2) Strobe cream , 6ml
Okay, let me show you some pictures..
Here is the place where the beauty instructor give the talk and demonstration:

The beauty class for us, complete tools and beauty products:

After the event, all of us busying taking pictures..

Myself, with make-up..done by myself

The beauty instructor. I have no idea why my face look so pale. Maybe is the light reflection and the quality of the hand phone camera:

My notes, handbook, pencil and ticket for Mac In Mode:

Mac In Mode, Look # 1: Artsy

Mac In Mode, Look # 2: De-Vine

Mac In Mode, Look # 3: Glamodrama

Mac In Mode, Look # 4:Honed

Mac In Mode, Look # 5: Seventease

My door gift (Fast response eye & Strobe cream):

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