-“I’ll be famous one day, but for now I’m stuck in the life with a bunch of morons”-If there’s no camera, I think it is no fun to blog. I don’t want to make my blog look like an article without pictures and look so plain. How about camera phone? Opss too bad, I left my USB cable at home.
If talking about life, there’s plenty of weird thing happen. Ever since I moved to this small island, I saw a lot of freaking stuff and people. The person next door always changed. It is weird, love wash cloth 6 in the morning or after 12midnight, hard to find a word to describe. Make other people like a zombie.
Diary of Wimpy kids: “I’ll be famous one day, but for now I’m stuck in the middle school with a bunch of morons.” Haha.. This is funny… So I should say it
“I’ll be famous one day, but for now I’m stuck in the life with a bunch of morons”. I remember that last time my University course mates, they used to use this word “MORON” to scold or greet each other.Yawning, so sleeply.. need some caffeine to turn on my brain from standby mode. Okay, is time back to work. Stay tune for more updates! Next update: shopping freak, stuff I get it from kl, and things my dear get me from jp.